
Family Rajidae

Family Rajidae

by. Nolvyhindarto,S.Si_Encartablog_Animals


Selected Characters: Rhomboid shape; denticles or spines present on body; caudal fin small.

This is a large family which has members living in all of the world's oceans. Unlike sharks and electric rays, they move by undulating their pectoral fins. Skates are oviparous, depositing their eggs enclosed in horny egg cases. They typically live on the bottom, often concealed in the substrate, and feed on bottom-dwelling fishes and invertebrates. There are over 200 species recognized in this family, many living in deep oceans. Five species have been recorded in Puget Sound. This family is moderately common here.


Bathyraja kincaidi Sandpaper Skate

Raja binoculata Big Skate

Raja inornata California Skate

Raja rhina Longnose Skate

Raja stellulata Starry Skate

Retrieved from:” http://www.washington.edu/burkemuseum/collections/ichthyology”


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